Support our cause by donating and becoming a member
Thank you for supporting our cause. We would like to welcome you as a member into the community of the International Graduates Club.
In order to donate to become a member please do one of the following:
1. Donate via Credit Card or Paypal
2. Donate via your Bank without ELBA
– fill in the amount you received in the email
– and take it to your bank or send it via email.
3. Donate through ELBA (Electronic Banking)
Please set up a monthly transfer (Dauerauftrag)
International Graduates Club Linz
OK-Platz 1, 4020 Linz
IBAN: AT571500000611164948
Bank: Oberbank Donaulände Linz
with the Payment reference (Zahlungsreferenz): Membership
Please see a few examples below from different banks how this is possible.