International Graduates Club Linz
@International Cultural Lounge
We are on Facebook
Im OÖ Kulturquartier, OK-Platz 1, 4020 Linz


For public events sign up to the newsletter on the left hand side and view the current events.

For more events see our facebook group.

In order to be able to create a vibrant international scene in Linz we need you!
This is a movement.
We are all working on it. Here’s what we know until now.

For international students and graduates: The IGCL offers a possibility for all international students and graduates to get together at a central place downtown in Linz and to organize joint events according to your interests.

For Austrian Students and Graduates: Wir möchten alle österreichischen Studenten und Graduierten herzlich einladen, beim Club mitzumachen, um unseren ausländischen Kollegen den Aufenthalt in Österreich, insbesondere in Linz, freundlich und erlebnisreich zu machen und ihnen zu helfen, sich in Linz, Oberösterreich und Österreich heimisch zu fühlen, Kontakte zu finden und Freundschaften fürs Leben zu schließen.


The International Graduates Club Linz at the International Cultural Lounge at OK-Center aims to offer a friendly community of international students and graduates to

  • make friends and get together in a cozy and open space,
  • bring you in contact with important people and future employers,
  • help you to get over the initial difficulties when you arrive in Austria.

A few events are open to the public so please feel cordially invited to these, the rest are for members and/or have cheaper access.

The main idea here is to form an international community in the center of Linz for ourselves.
We are all volunteers and are organizing the club in our own free times, so everyone is asked to actively participate in the club. And bring their own ideas in, organize something they like, etc.

It is important to become a member so that we have some funds in the club.
Because all of this is bound with various costs we cover (for the lounge, conference rooms, snacks, coffee, etc).
Members also get to use these spaces, some club resources, our help in case of organizing something, etc.

See the Newsletter for current events

  • Board Game and Strategy Nights
  • Technology Nights (workshop, meetups and discussions)
  • Debate Nights
  • Game Nights (Board Games and Video Games) focusing on Virtual Reality
  • Practical German Course for people working at companies
  • Documentary Tuesdays (we invite filmmakers to show their work. Content not on Youtube!)
  • Dance and Movement Courses (current workshops)
  • Ashtanga Yoga

Members only, private events between members:

  • Buddy Program (meet with Austrian families)
  • Tandem language learning, German language course, Austrian dialect adjustment
  • Music instruments learning, private jam sessions etc.., please suggest events and engage in creating them!

9h–18h - Work, Study, Collaborate
18h–20h - Events
20h–22h - Hangout and Coffehouse.
A host should be present at these times to introduce newcomers, please volunteer as a host.


  • have a vibrant space in the center of Linz as a permanent home for events, meetings and hangouts,
  • make your voice heard, get involved in the Austrian social life and provide a platform to create visibility to address the common needs and interests of the members,
  • offer a rich arsenal of activities, meet and exchange ideas, collaborate.

  Members of the International Graduates Club Linz are

  • international and Austrian students,
  • international and Austrian teachers and graduates and
  • international and Austrian young coworkers of companies and institutions.

We form a diverse community of talented individuals from the sciences, arts and technology.

Become a member now

To support the cause we suggest a donation of 10.- € per month for members who have some income and 5.- € for students with no income.

  • Donations along with public and private sponsoring will be used for the public or the general interest of the club (e.g. German courses, introductory courses in the Upper Austrian economy, help for start-ups, hosts of the club, secretary, the organization of buddy programs, etc.). For some workshops and courses that will not be covered by these funds participants might need to pay a small fee or donations are considered.
  • For any other events in the frame of the club an own financial plan needs to be created without accessing club funds. You will find organizers and special members involved with organizing events along with the OK-Center / OÖKQ who is also engaged to help us bring cultural events to the public.


International Cultural Lounge in the OÖ Kulturquartier (Pressefoyer on the 1st floor), OK-Platz 1, 4020 Linz igcl-location Screen Shot 2015-08-13 at 20.48.09


  • Hang out with a diverse community of talented individuals from the sciences, arts and technology
  • Access the International Cultural Lounge in the OÖ Kulturquartier even outside working hours
  • Use the space that consists of a hangout and a coworking zone with an inspirational atmosphere wrapped around a lively cultural scene and restaurants, cafe bars, etc.
  • Engage and create public events with the help of the OÖ Kulturquartier and International Graduates Club
  • Collaborate, hang out, create new ideas and engage with society and like-minded people
  • Create a vibrant atmosphere in the center on Linz to display your ideas, work and interests
  • Integrate into the society of Linz and in other international communities
  • Discuss and solve problems of being an international together
  • Open end for making our community and Linz attractive
  • As soon as there are sufficiently many members, the Club will be open daily from 16h until 23h. Typically, the Club will be organized as a kind of Cafeteria from 16h until 20h pm with an organized program (talks etc.) typically between 18h and 20h. Any ideas for activities are welcome.

  We invite you to engage with an interesting and diverse community of international students, teachers and graduates to make Linz an attractive place to work, live, study and play.