International Graduates Club Linz
@International Cultural Lounge
We are on Facebook
Im OÖ Kulturquartier, OK-Platz 1, 4020 Linz
For public events sign up to the newsletter on the left hand side and view the current events.
For more events see our facebook group.
In order to be able to create a vibrant international scene in Linz we need you!
This is a movement. We are all working on it. Here’s what we know until now.
For international students and graduates: The IGCL offers a possibility for all international students and graduates to get together at a central place downtown in Linz and to organize joint events according to your interests.
For Austrian Students and Graduates: Wir möchten alle österreichischen Studenten und Graduierten herzlich einladen, beim Club mitzumachen, um unseren ausländischen Kollegen den Aufenthalt in Österreich, insbesondere in Linz, freundlich und erlebnisreich zu machen und ihnen zu helfen, sich in Linz, Oberösterreich und Österreich heimisch zu fühlen, Kontakte zu finden und Freundschaften fürs Leben zu schließen.
The International Graduates Club Linz at the International Cultural Lounge at OK-Center aims to offer a friendly community of international students and graduates to
- make friends and get together in a cozy and open space,
- bring you in contact with important people and future employers,
- help you to get over the initial difficulties when you arrive in Austria.